Flutter Architecture application

2 min readApr 17, 2021


Everything in flutter is said to be a widget.

flutter is all about widgets

widgets are the primary component found on any flutter application, they act as UI for the users to interact with the application .Flutter application are also regarded as widgets due to it been made by a combination of widgets.

In a standard flutter application , the root defines the structure of the app followed by MaterialApp which basically holds its internal components in place. This is where the properties of the UI and the app itself are defined.

The MaterialApp widget has a Scaffold widget.


Scaffold consists of the visible widgets of the application .The scaffold has two primary properties;

  1. appBar -> It displays a horizontal bar which mainly placed at the top of the Scaffold.
  2. body -> It will display the main or primary content in the Scaffold.
flowchart from root widget to child widget in a standard flutter app.


flutter framework is categorized , where layers are build on top of one another;

  • The top most layer is a widget specific to the operating system of the device(android ,iOS etc.)
  • Second Layer — consists of the native flutter widgets which comprise of structural UI components, gesture detectors, state management components, etc.
  • third layer — consists of UI and state rendering occurs.

Coming topics

  • widgets




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