AppBar Widget

4 min readMay 4, 2021

Lets Talk Widget Lets do Widget

AppBar Widget

AppBar Widget is a material design widget that is visible at the top most part of an app.It consists of a toolbar and other widget such as TabBar,FlexibleSpaceBar.The AppBar shows one or more actions via the iconButton which are potentially followed by the PopUpMenuButton/overflow menu

An AppBar widget is typically used in the Scaffold.appBar property which places the appBar at the top of the screen with a fixed height. AppBar widget places its content based on the MediaQuery’s padding to avoid system UI(user interface) intrusions.When animating an AppBar it is advisable to wrap it with a MediaQuery widget to adjust a smooth padding for the animation

A scroll-able AppBar is referred to as SilverAppBar which is an AppBar widget emended into a CustomScrollView widget .

The AppBar toolbar displays widgets like ;

  1. leading
  2. title
  3. actions
  4. bottom

The bottom is usually used for a TabBar.

AppBar Constructor


{Key? key,

Widget? leading,

bool automaticallyImplyLeading: true,

Widget? title,

List<Widget>? actions,

Widget? flexibleSpace,

PreferredSizeWidget? bottom,

double? elevation,

Color? shadowColor,

ShapeBorder? shape,

Color? backgroundColor,

Color? foregroundColor,

Brightness? brightness,

IconThemeData? iconTheme,

IconThemeData? actionsIconTheme,

TextTheme? textTheme,

bool primary: true,

bool? centerTitle,

bool excludeHeaderSemantics: false,

double? titleSpacing,

double toolbarOpacity: 1.0,

double bottomOpacity: 1.0,

double? toolbarHeight,

double? leadingWidth,

bool? backwardsCompatibility,

TextStyle? toolbarTextStyle,

TextStyle? titleTextStyle,

SystemUiOverlayStyle? systemOverlayStyle}


for more information visit appBar constructor

Properties of the AppBar

  • actions :a list of widgets displayed in a row after the title widget .
  • actionIconTheme: themes the icons that appear on the AppBar
  • backgroundColor : fill the color to use in the AppBar
  • Bottom: this widget appears across the bottom of the appBar.
  • bottomOpacity :defines how opaque the bottom part of the app bar is
  • CenterTitle : decides whether the title should be centered.
  • elevation : the Z- coordinate at which to place this app bar relatively to its parent.
  • flexible Space : widget stacked behind the toolbar and the tab bar where its height is the same as of the app bar’s overall height.
  • foregroundColor : sets the default color for the icons, text within the app bar
  • IconTheme : the color ,opacity and size to use for the toolbar icons
  • leading : widget that displays before the toolbar’s title.
  • leadingWidth: defines the width of leading widget.
  • Primary : whether the AppBar is being displayed at the top of the screen .
  • shadowColor : color of the shadow below the app bar.
  • shape : the shape of the app bar and its shadow.
  • textTheme : typographic styles to use for text inside the appBar.
  • title :the primary widget displayed in the app bar ,showing the title.
  • toolbarHeight : defines the height of the toolbar component in the appbar.
  • toolbarOpacity : defines the opaque ness of the toolbar of the app bar

For more properties associated with with the appbar have a look the the AppBar flutter doc form flutter official website


Displays an icon at the left side of the appBar .In instances where the leading isn’t defined and there is a route defined flutter automatically adds a previous route button for us


Displays a title at the app bar by taking a TextWidget .To center the title one has to use the centreTitle property and set it to true.


Displays a list of widgets on the right side of the appBar


Normally takes a TabBar widget.To create a TabBar one can use two approaches

  1. Wraping the Scaffold widget with the DefaultTabController which is a simpler approach
  2. Using the TabController to programmatically control the Tab.




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